
MySQL with “INSERT INTO … ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE”: Advantages and Disadvantages of a Fun Approach

Hello MySQL enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into a commonly used yet often underrated topic in the world of databases: the “INSERT INTO … ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE” statement. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of this handy SQL command while also taking a look at what’s happening behind the scenes.

Code Wars

Code Wars: Boolean or 1/0? – A Developer’s True Dilemma!

Let’s be honest; as developers, we all have those moments where we stare at our computer screen with a coffee cup in hand, pondering, “Should I use a Boolean, or an integer?” Maybe this dilemma has even kept you up at night. Let’s dive into this seemingly complex, yet surprisingly fun, question!

Survival Guide for Developers

Survival Guide for Developers: The Real World Beyond Code

The outside world is waiting for you to explore the life behind the code! This guide, filled with tips to help developers enhance their social skills and be more effective in real life, will encourage you to think not only about code but also about life. Are you ready to embark on a journey filled with social media, coffee breaks, and fun hobbies? Remember, exploring real life is the most enjoyable way to strengthen your software career!

Survival Guide for Developers

PHP Framework Selection: God Tests Developers with Choices!

Choosing between PHP frameworks can sometimes lead to sleepless nights for software developers. So, in this complex process, which framework should we choose? This is where we embark on a deep dive into the world of PHP.